Sunday, July 25, 2010

A letter from the group "Quester of peace" to the world

In a world where many people enjoy basic human rights - such as freedom of thought, religion, language, nationality, ethnicity, conscience, sexuality and expression - Iranians live under tyranny. In Iran today and every day under a repressive regime, people face threat and humiliation, intimidation and censorship, beatings and brutality, illegal detention and trial, imprisonment and torture, isolation and exile, and even execution. These injustices are an insult and an offense not just against the Iranian people but against humanity as a whole. All people everywhere should have fundamental political, personal, and civil rights.

"Quester of Peace" is an independent group that seeks to represent and support the oppressed people of Iran and to bring their terrible plight to the attention of the world. ‘Peace Quester’ stands for certain beliefs, values, and principles, the most important of which are freedom, security, tranquility, peace and friendship. Because of the nature of the Iranian government in power today, many Iranians who would prefer not to live under tyranny must seek exile and asylum abroad in order to avoid torture, imprisonment or death. The asylum seeker and exile is deprived of his or her homeland, family, friends, life, dreams, ambitions, hopes and even their memories of the past, as well as their potential futures. The asylum seeker lives a life of isolation, fear, poverty, deprivation, uncertainty and loneliness.

‘Peace Quester’ wishes to launch a novel and unique movement. We aim to wander the world as a form of symbolic and direct action devoted to breaking down barriers of ignorance and conflict. We wanderers and seekers will travel the world on foot. We intend to walk from city to city and from country to country, ignoring those artificial boundaries of territory, skin color, nationality, religion and language that divide humanity. Our programme and aim is to establish relations of friendship with all peoples, spread our message of hope and peace, and communicate the need for everyone everywhere to enjoy the same basic human rights and freedoms.

We challenge and expect states and governments to allow us at least to cross the lands under their governance. We want non-governmental organizations and institutions to support us and hope that the different people whom we visit welcome us with warmth, hospitality, friendship and understanding.

We know that we embark upon a long and difficult and, perhaps, dangerous journey. We undertake this enterprise with knowledge of the challenges ahead, but with hope too of the rewards to be gained in this transnational Endeavour dedicated to the cause of joining people together.

Our primary goals are simple, straightforward, but important.

We desire the following:

1) To spread understanding of the notorious rule of a repressive Iranian dictatorship that systematically uses terror, violence and rape against its own people.
2) To further the cause of and be a voice for the millions of Iranians who are deprived freedom of thought and freedom of expression. To advance the principle that all people everywhere, regardless of nationality, color, language or religion, deserve to live freely.

3) To foster cultural exchanges beyond national borders and deepen familiarity and friendship amongst the people of the world.

We plan also to document our journey and experiences through writings, films, photography and journalism. The creative co-operation and support of artists, writers, journalists and scholars throughout the world is very welcome. Financial support from interested and compatible organizations similarly devoted to humanitarian aims is also very welcome as our resources are limited. We will pass through around 80 countries in a transnational and uninterrupted wander around the world that will take years to complete. Thank you for your support. Wish us luck in our endeavours.

‘Peace Quest’ = Walk for Love, Freedom, Friendship for All People in the World


  1. دست مريزاد.
    موفق باشيدز حركت خوب و نمادينى است.
    ما جوانان ايرانى شما را حمايت مى كنيم و با شما هستيم.
    سامان از تهران

  2. moafagh bashin bacheha.
    harja ke hastin wa khahid bud sar boland konid maro,
    aria karimi


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