Monday, April 01, 2013

Aryanism and how some western regims' theory-makers dealt with this concept

I read a chapter of CRAFTING HUMANS, of my best friend Dr. Maria Sophia Quine, about Aryanism and its leading to fascism. 
I was very interested in it that Dr. Quine is opposed to fascism, and this was what I was interested in it most. It concerns our movement that one reason of the Peace Quester movement is to show people ion the world that Iranian people are not what Islamic Iran regime has showen to people in the world. unfourtunatly most people think Iranians are Arabs and they have lettle information about Iran History.

A background: 
Many nations and their theory-makers (politicians mostly) at 19th century discovered or invented this concept to give their country a unity and an Identity and extract their benefits of it somehow, especially Germany and Italy. They related their nations with Iranian nations (Median and especially Persians, Medians are represented as Kurds and Persians as Fars nowadays). First they claimed that those Aryo-European People came from these Iranian nations and especially during Persian Empire; then second: they revised and claimed Medians and Persians went east from west (Germany).
Note: Median Empire did not long last and it only recreated Persian Empire with their pioneer CYROS THE GREAT, that he was Mandana's son, Mandana was Astyag's doughter. There has been another Aryan Group (PARTS) that no nation is representing their existence and their strong ASHKANI Empire. Funny: the missed nation one.

Any way they used those terms so absolute and always forgot intermingling. I mean they said the Persians came and now we are Aryans. Their proofs were skulls, skeletons, posture, stature, color, women menstruation, language.... 
They concluded the Greek Empires and then the Roman Empire as the Aryan subsequent from those Aryan roots. Meanwhile, they have never considered the Persian civilization as a subsequent of Median one and Median civilization as subsequent of Babylon and Assyrian civilizations and.... 
Those one-dimensional patriots and nationalists have never assumed the intermingling of all those sub-sequential civilizations. We need to rethink that the human achievements root goes back more and more to the beginning of human-like groups of people and every civilization has been a drop in between Human Achievements Ocean.
I have some comments on Aryanism and how westerners deal with it: 

1-The westerners invited or discovered this concepts for their benefits without Iranian concerns but now they oppose those Iranians (especially Persians are concerned) as a political aim. This opposition has increased after Islamic regime power, e.g., Hollywood movie of 300. Why? Poor Persians have never sought their aims through Aryanism until now. 

2-Kurdes (representing Medians) has never been into account as they have not had authority for many centuries and they are still seeking to proof their nation while westerners were gaining their political aims through their Identity. They still fight for their national Identity and not their lands in between four countries (Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, note: except they claim, they founded Iran and its ancient empires and Zoroastrianism source belongs to them according to findings and Pahlavi language that is very similar to Kurdish language but it is called post-Avesta Farsi language(A huge fault)). 

3-The westerners amount of Information about Aryans or better to say Iranian nations, mostly refers to the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, mostly gathered by Russian and British archeologists, linguistics and orientalists, and some refers to ancient Greek writings of Herodotus, xnephone and others . So they are not aware of today’s local archeology, linguistics and etc. there is another narrow of translating to English or after translation little propaganda for the new discoveries and theories. Then those amounts of their information cannot be enough to judge with certainty and sometimes absolute decisions. 

My point of view: 
Investigations about the civilizations or those old people group are necessary and useful for us but neither to let it leading to racism and fascism nor to oppose the Aryan nations of today or past for political aims. We should have a control point of pride and prejudice western friends. Here I mean by westerners as those intellectuals concerning the subject and not all people. 

Khusraw Mstafanejad, 29, March, 2013

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