Article 13th of the Declaration of the International Human Rights says:
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
When this principle been considered among the axioms of human rights and is universally supported, we can be the hopeful for future of the world, but when the interpretation and definition of concepts hidden in the governments law as the Immigration and Residence and national sovereignty, we face to the many contradictions and conflicts over it .
However the last thirty-fold the original principles of the Charter of Human Rights has expressly stressed that it:
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Description of passing freely and choosing selected location are very simple to understand and need no special interpretation, limitation or exception and not claimed for the patent is not intended for him. How is that thousands of refugees around the world in terms of suspense and have remained vague and confused and expected admitted it turns head over heels and no time spend a bright future.
Residency or residence of a country; should consider part of their rights and respect in cholera easily the fastest time possible should get residency, not to beg it, or the largest and most important request during his life must not be defined.
Referring to Article 14th (the exception raised provides for asylum) as follows:
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
For investigation and legal procedures for acceptance or denial of an asylum seeker, a simple instructions is defined that is not cumbersome or complicated and executors cannot excuse waste of time for it.
An asylum seeker; generally and often bridges are broken behind him, his/her hope and life motivation are destroyed or become pale and is seeking a new opportunity about to enjoy life, success and progress. Leaving family, relatives and acquaintances and separation of memories and interests is not easy as that; difficult and tragic. Just for fun or diversity, he cannot present such a decision and is not leading to an ambiguous and torturous path without a proper justification and is not agree to step to malformed conditions.
Restatement conditions, human rights and refugee requests are part of our trip that we are going to express it and want existing laws and administrative direction to facilitate what we are going to do in peace.
Our group is not going to stay in any country and our plan does not included asylum, residence request from any government, and only land crossing, communicate with people and the media wants to tell from the existing pain and to give the hand of friendship and assistance for those who need help or requires it.
Wait for our arrival, welcome us and let us going with love and friendship.
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